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YAML Rules

These rules try their best to work with YAML values in There are a couple of things to keep in mind about these rules:

  • The rules work on most YAML use cases, but it is not perfect
  • There are certain formats of YAML that may have problems being parsed since the YAML keys have their values parsed via regex instead of a library at this time
  • Comments in the value of a key may cause problems with things like sorting or properly grabbing a key's value
  • Blank lines may be removed if you try sorting or making modifications to the order of keys in the YAML via the Linter

Add Blank Line After YAML

Alias: add-blank-line-after-yaml

Adds a blank line after the YAML block if it does not end the current file or it is not already followed by at least 1 blank line


A file with just YAML in it does not get a blank line after the YAML Before:
key: value
key: value
A file with YAML followed directly by content has an empty line added Before:
key: value
Here is some text
key: value

Here is some text
A file with YAML that already has a blank line after it and before content has no empty line added Before:
key: value

Here is some text
key: value

Here is some text

Dedupe YAML Array Values

Alias: dedupe-yaml-array-values

Removes duplicate array values in a case sensitive manner.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Dedupe YAML aliases section Turns on removing duplicate aliases. N/A true
Dedupe YAML tags section Turns on removing duplicate tags. N/A true
Dedupe YAML array sections Turns on removing duplicate values for regular YAML arrays N/A true
YAML Keys to Ignore A list of YAML keys without the ending colon on their own lines that are not meant to have duplicate values removed from them. N/A


Dedupe YAML tags is case sensitive and will use your default format for tags. Before:
tags: [computer, research, computer, Computer]
  - Title 1
  - Title2
tags: [computer, research, Computer]
  - Title 1
  - Title2
Dedupe YAML aliases is case sensitive and will use your default format for aliases. Before:
tags: [computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title2
  - Title 1
  - Title2
  - Title 3
tags: [computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title2
  - Title 3
Dedupe YAML array keys is case sensitive and will try to preserve the original array format. Before:
tags: [computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title2
arr1: [val, val1, val, val2, Val]
  - Val
  - Val
  - val
  - val2
  - Val2
tags: [computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title2
arr1: [val, val1, val2, Val]
  - Val
  - val
  - val2
  - Val2
Dedupe YAML respects list of keys to not remove duplicates of for normal arrays (keys to ignore is just `arr2` for this example) Before:
tags: [computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title2
arr1: [val, val1, val, val2, Val]
  - Val
  - Val
  - val
  - val2
  - Val2
tags: [computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title2
arr1: [val, val1, val2, Val]
  - Val
  - Val
  - val
  - val2
  - Val2

Escape YAML Special Characters

Alias: escape-yaml-special-characters

Escapes colons with a space after them (: ), single quotes ('), and double quotes (") in YAML.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Try to Escape Single Line Arrays Tries to escape array values assuming that an array starts with "[", ends with "]", and has items that are delimited by ",". N/A false


YAML without anything to escape Before:
key: value
otherKey: []
key: value
otherKey: []
YAML with unescaped values Before:
key: value: with colon in the middle
secondKey: value with ' a single quote present
thirdKey: "already escaped: value"
fourthKey: value with " a double quote present
fifthKey: value with both ' " a double and single quote present is not escaped, but is invalid YAML
sixthKey: colon:between characters is fine
otherKey: []
key: "value: with colon in the middle"
secondKey: "value with ' a single quote present"
thirdKey: "already escaped: value"
fourthKey: 'value with " a double quote present'
fifthKey: value with both ' " a double and single quote present is not escaped, but is invalid YAML
sixthKey: colon:between characters is fine
otherKey: []
YAML with unescaped values in an expanded list with `Default Escape Character = '` Before:
  - value: with colon in the middle
  - value with ' a single quote present
  - 'already escaped: value'
  - value with " a double quote present
  - value with both ' " a double and single quote present is not escaped, but is invalid YAML
  - colon:between characters is fine
  - 'value: with colon in the middle'
  - "value with ' a single quote present"
  - 'already escaped: value'
  - 'value with " a double quote present'
  - value with both ' " a double and single quote present is not escaped, but is invalid YAML
  - colon:between characters is fine
YAML with unescaped values with arrays Before:
array: [value: with colon in the middle, value with ' a single quote present, "already escaped: value", value with " a double quote present, value with both ' " a double and single quote present is not escaped but is invalid YAML, colon:between characters is fine]
nestedArray: [[value: with colon in the middle, value with ' a single quote present], ["already escaped: value", value with " a double quote present], value with both ' " a double and single quote present is not escaped but is invalid YAML, colon:between characters is fine]
nestedArray2: [[value: with colon in the middle], value with ' a single quote present]

_Note that escaped commas in a YAML array will be treated as a separator._
array: ["value: with colon in the middle", "value with ' a single quote present", "already escaped: value", 'value with " a double quote present', value with both ' " a double and single quote present is not escaped but is invalid YAML, colon:between characters is fine]
nestedArray: [["value: with colon in the middle", "value with ' a single quote present"], ["already escaped: value", 'value with " a double quote present'], value with both ' " a double and single quote present is not escaped but is invalid YAML, colon:between characters is fine]
nestedArray2: [["value: with colon in the middle"], "value with ' a single quote present"]

_Note that escaped commas in a YAML array will be treated as a separator._

Force YAML Escape

Alias: force-yaml-escape

Escapes the values for the specified YAML keys.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Force YAML Escape on Keys Uses the YAML escape character on the specified YAML keys separated by a new line character if it is not already escaped. Do not use on YAML arrays. N/A


YAML without anything to escape Before:
key: value
otherKey: []
key: value
otherKey: []
Force YAML keys to be escaped with double quotes where not already escaped with `Force YAML Escape on Keys = 'key'\n'title'\n'bool'` Before:
key: 'Already escaped value'
title: This is a title
bool: false
unaffected: value

_Note that the force YAML key option should not be used with arrays._
key: 'Already escaped value'
title: "This is a title"
bool: "false"
unaffected: value

_Note that the force YAML key option should not be used with arrays._

Format Tags in YAML

Alias: format-tags-in-yaml

Remove Hashtags from tags in the YAML frontmatter, as they make the tags there invalid.


Format Tags in YAML frontmatter Before:
tags: #one #two #three #nested/four/five
tags: one two three nested/four/five
Format tags in array Before:
tags: [#one #two #three]
tags: [one two three]
Format tags in array with `tag` as the tags key Before:
tag: [#one #two #three]
tag: [one two three]
Format tags in list Before:
- #tag1
- #tag2
- tag1
- tag2

Format YAML Array

Alias: format-yaml-array

Allows for the formatting of regular YAML arrays as either multi-line or single-line and tags and aliases are allowed to have some Obsidian specific YAML formats. Note: that single string to single-line goes from a single string entry to a single-line array if more than 1 entry is present. The same is true for single string to multi-line except it becomes a multi-line array.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Format YAML aliases section Turns on formatting for the YAML aliases section. You should not enable this option alongside the rule YAML Title Alias as they may not work well together or they may have different format styles selected causing unexpected results. N/A true
Format YAML tags section Turns on formatting for the YAML tags section. N/A true
Default YAML array section style The style of other YAML arrays that are not tags, aliases or in Force key values to be single-line arrays and Force key values to be multi-line arrays multi-line: key:\n - value

single-line: key: [value]
Format YAML array sections Turns on formatting for regular YAML arrays N/A true
Force key values to be single-line arrays Forces the YAML array for the new line separated keys to be in single-line format (leave empty to disable this option) N/A
Force key values to be multi-line arrays Forces the YAML array for the new line separated keys to be in multi-line format (leave empty to disable this option) N/A


Format tags as a single-line array delimited by spaces and aliases as a multi-line array and format the key `test` to be a single-line array Before:
  - computer
  - research
aliases: Title 1, Title2
test: this is a value

# Notes:

Nesting YAML arrays may result in unexpected results.

Multi-line arrays will have empty values removed only leaving one if it is completely empty. The same is not true for single-line arrays as that is invalid YAML unless it comes as the last entry in the array.
tags: [computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title2
test: [this is a value]

# Notes:

Nesting YAML arrays may result in unexpected results.

Multi-line arrays will have empty values removed only leaving one if it is completely empty. The same is not true for single-line arrays as that is invalid YAML unless it comes as the last entry in the array.
Format tags as a single string with space delimiters, ignore aliases, and format regular YAML arrays as single-line arrays Before:
aliases: Typescript
  - thought provoking
  - peer reviewed
tags: [computer, science, trajectory]
aliases: Typescript
types: [thought provoking, peer reviewed]
tags: computer science trajectory
Arrays with dictionaries in them are ignored Before:
  - id: test123
    url: 'some_url'
    isPublic: true
  - id: test123
    url: 'some_url'
    isPublic: true

Insert YAML attributes

Alias: insert-yaml-attributes

Inserts the given YAML attributes into the YAML frontmatter. Put each attribute on a single line.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Text to insert Text to insert into the YAML frontmatter N/A `aliases:
tags: `


Insert static lines into YAML frontmatter. Text to insert: `aliases: tags: doc animal: dog` Before:
animal: cat
tags: doc
animal: cat

Move Tags to YAML

Alias: move-tags-to-yaml

Move all tags to YAML frontmatter of the document.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Body tag operation What to do with non-ignored tags in the body of the file once they have been moved to the frontmatter Nothing: Leaves tags in the body of the file alone

Remove hashtag: Removes # from tags in content body after moving them to the YAML frontmatter

Remove whole tag: Removes the whole tag in content body after moving them to the YAML frontmatter. Note that this removes the first space prior to the tag as well
Tags to ignore The tags that will not be moved to the tags array or removed from the body content if Remove the hashtag from tags in content body is enabled. Each tag should be on a new line and without the #. Make sure not to include the hashtag in the tag name. N/A


Move tags from body to YAML with `Tags to ignore = 'ignored-tag'` Before:
Text has to do with #test and #markdown

#test content here
Code block content is ignored

This inline code `#ignored content`

#ignored-tag is ignored since it is in the ignored list
tags: [test, markdown]
Text has to do with #test and #markdown

#test content here
Code block content is ignored

This inline code `#ignored content`

#ignored-tag is ignored since it is in the ignored list
Move tags from body to YAML with existing tags retains the already existing ones and only adds new ones Before:
tags: [test, tag2]
Text has to do with #test and #markdown
tags: [test, tag2, markdown]
Text has to do with #test and #markdown
Move tags to YAML frontmatter and then remove hashtags in body content tags when `Body tag operation = 'Remove hashtag'` and `Tags to ignore = 'yet-another-ignored-tag'`. Before:
tags: [test, tag2]
Text has to do with #test and #markdown

The tag at the end of this line stays as a tag since it is ignored #yet-another-ignored-tag
tags: [test, tag2, markdown]
Text has to do with test and markdown

The tag at the end of this line stays as a tag since it is ignored #yet-another-ignored-tag
Move tags to YAML frontmatter and then remove body content tags when `Body tag operation = 'Remove whole tag'`. Before:
tags: [test, tag2]
This document will have #tags removed and spacing around tags is left alone except for the space prior to the hashtag #warning
tags: [test, tag2, tags, warning]
This document will have removed and spacing around tags is left alone except for the space prior to the hashtag

Remove YAML Keys

Alias: remove-yaml-keys

Removes the YAML keys specified


Name Description List Items Default Value
YAML Keys to Remove The YAML keys to remove from the YAML frontmatter with or without colons N/A


Removes the values specified in `YAML Keys to Remove` = "status: keywords date" Before:
language: Typescript
type: programming
tags: computer
  - keyword1
  - keyword2
status: WIP
date: 02/15/2022

# Header Context

language: Typescript
type: programming
tags: computer

# Header Context


Sort YAML Array Values

Alias: sort-yaml-array-values

Sorts YAML array values based on the specified sort order.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Sort YAML aliases section Turns on sorting aliases. N/A true
Sort YAML tags section Turns on sorting tags. N/A true
Sort YAML array sections Turns on sorting values for regular YAML arrays N/A true
YAML Keys to Ignore A list of YAML keys without the ending colon on their own lines that are not meant to have their values sorted. N/A
Sort Order The way to sort the YAML array values. Ascending Alphabetical: Sorts the array values from a to z

Descending Alphabetical: Sorts the array values from z to a
Ascending Alphabetical


Sorting YAML array values alphabetically Before:
tags: [computer, research, androids, Computer]
  - Title 1
  - Title 2
tags: [androids, computer, Computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title 2
Sorting YAML array values to be alphabetically descending Before:
tags: [computer, research, androids, Computer]
  - Title 1
  - Title 2
tags: [research, Computer, computer, androids]
  - Title 2
  - Title 1
Sort YAML Arrays respects list of keys to not sort values of for normal arrays (keys to ignore is just `arr2` for this example) Before:
tags: [computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title 2
arr1: [val, val2, val1]
  - val
  - val2
  - val1
tags: [computer, research]
  - Title 1
  - Title 2
arr1: [val, val1, val2]
  - val
  - val2
  - val1

YAML Key Sort

Alias: yaml-key-sort

Sorts the YAML keys based on the order and priority specified. Note: may remove blank lines as well. Only works on non-nested keys.


Name Description List Items Default Value
YAML Key Priority Sort Order The order in which to sort keys with one on each line where it sorts in the order found in the list N/A
Priority Keys at Start of YAML YAML Key Priority Sort Order is placed at the start of the YAML frontmatter N/A true
YAML Sort Order for Other Keys The way in which to sort the keys that are not found in the YAML Key Priority Sort Order text area None: No sorting other than what is in the YAML Key Priority Sort Order text area

Ascending Alphabetical: Sorts the keys based on key value from a to z

Descending Alphabetical: Sorts the keys based on key value from z to a


Sorts YAML keys in order specified by `YAML Key Priority Sort Order` has a sort order of `date type language` Before:
language: Typescript
type: programming
tags: computer
keywords: []
status: WIP
date: 02/15/2022
date: 02/15/2022
type: programming
language: Typescript
tags: computer
keywords: []
status: WIP
Sorts YAML keys in order specified by `YAML Key Priority Sort Order` has a sort order of `date type language` with `'YAML Sort Order for Other Keys' = Ascending Alphabetical` Before:
language: Typescript
type: programming
tags: computer
keywords: []
status: WIP
date: 02/15/2022
date: 02/15/2022
type: programming
language: Typescript
keywords: []
status: WIP
tags: computer
Sorts YAML keys in order specified by `YAML Key Priority Sort Order` has a sort order of `date type language` with `'YAML Sort Order for Other Keys' = Descending Alphabetical` Before:
language: Typescript
type: programming
tags: computer
keywords: []
status: WIP
date: 02/15/2022
date: 02/15/2022
type: programming
language: Typescript
tags: computer
status: WIP
keywords: []
Sorts YAML keys in order specified by `YAML Key Priority Sort Order` has a sort order of `date type language` with `'YAML Sort Order for Other Keys' = Descending Alphabetical` and `'Priority Keys at Start of YAML' = false` Before:
language: Typescript
type: programming
tags: computer
keywords: []

status: WIP
date: 02/15/2022
tags: computer
status: WIP
keywords: []
date: 02/15/2022
type: programming
language: Typescript

YAML Timestamp

Alias: yaml-timestamp

Keep track of the date the file was last edited in the YAML front matter. Gets dates from file metadata.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Date Created Insert the file creation date N/A true
Date Created Key Which YAML key to use for creation date N/A date created
Date Created Source of Truth Specifies where to get the date created value from if it is already present in the frontmatter. file system: The file system date created value is used to set the value of date created in the frontmatter

frontmatter: When a value is present in the frontmatter for date created, this value is used as the value for the date created
file system
Date Modified Insert the date the file was last modified N/A true
Date Modified Key Which YAML key to use for modification date N/A date modified
Date Modified Source of Truth Specifies what way should be used to determine when the date modified should be updated if it is already present in the frontmatter. file system: The file system date modified value is used to set the value of date modified in the frontmatter

user or Linter edits: When a value is present in the frontmatter for date modified, date modified is kept as is unless the user or the Linter makes a change to the file
file system
Format Moment date format to use (see Moment format options) N/A dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a
Convert Local Time to UTC Uses UTC equivalent for saved dates instead of local time N/A false
Update YAML Timestamp on File Contents Update When the currently active note is modified, YAML Timestamp is run on the note. This should update the modified note timestamp if it is more than 5 seconds off from the current value. never: never

after 5 seconds: after 5 seconds

after 10 seconds: after 10 seconds

after 15 seconds: after 15 seconds

after 30 seconds: after 30 seconds

after 1 minute: after 1 minute

Additional Info

Date Modified Value Origin

The date modified is not based on the file date modified metadata. This is because the Linter only has access to the last date modified when it runs. This is not a problem or too noticeable when you modify a file frequently. However, when a file is rarely updated, the date modified could be very out of date.

For example, say the date modified is January 22nd 2020. But you update the file on January 3rd 2021. The date modified in the YAML frontmatter would say January 22nd 2020 despite being updated in 2021. If you did not run the Linter against the file a 2nd time, it could be left with a very misleading value. As such, the date modified is the time when Linter asks to update the file via any rule except Custom Commands. This should be within about 5 seconds of the value in the file metadata.


Adds a header with the date. Before:
# H1
date created: Wednesday, January 1st 2020, 12:00:00 am
date modified: Thursday, January 2nd 2020, 12:00:05 am
# H1
dateCreated option is false Before:
# H1
date modified: Thursday, January 2nd 2020, 12:00:05 am
# H1
Date Created Key is set Before:
# H1
created: Wednesday, January 1st 2020, 12:00:00 am
# H1
Date Modified Key is set Before:
# H1
modified: Wednesday, January 1st 2020, 4:00:00 pm
# H1
Header is set with convert to UTC option true Before:
# H1
date created: 2020-01-01T14:00:00+00:00
date modified: 2020-01-02T02:00:05+00:00
# H1
dateCreated option is false with convert to UTC option true Before:
# H1
date modified: 2020-01-02T02:00:05+00:00
# H1
Date Created Key is set with convert to UTC option true Before:
# H1
created: 2020-01-01T14:00:00+00:00
# H1
Date Modified Key is set with convert to UTC option true Before:
# H1
modified: 2020-01-02T02:00:05+00:00
# H1

YAML Title

Alias: yaml-title

Inserts the title of the file into the YAML frontmatter. Gets the title based on the selected mode.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Title Key Which YAML key to use for title N/A title
Mode The method to use to get the title first-h1-or-filename-if-h1-missing: Uses the first H1 in the file or the filename of the file if there is not H1

filename: Uses the filename as the title

first-h1: Uses the first H1 in the file as the title


Adds a header with the title from heading when `mode = 'First H1 or Filename if H1 Missing'`. Before:
# Obsidian
title: Obsidian
# Obsidian
Adds a header with the title when `mode = 'First H1 or Filename if H1 Missing'`. Before:

title: Filename
Make sure that markdown links in headings are properly copied to the YAML as just the text when `mode = 'First H1 or Filename if H1 Missing'` Before:
# This is a [Heading](test
title: This is a Heading
# This is a [Heading](test
When `mode = 'First H1'`, title does not have a value if no H1 is present Before:
## This is a Heading
title: ""
## This is a Heading
When `mode = 'Filename'`, title uses the filename ignoring all H1s. Note: the filename is "Filename" in this example. Before:
# This is a Heading
title: Filename
# This is a Heading

YAML Title Alias

Alias: yaml-title-alias

Inserts or updates the title of the file into the YAML frontmatter's aliases section. Gets the title from the first H1 or filename.


Name Description List Items Default Value
Preserve existing aliases section style If set, the YAML aliases section style setting applies only to the newly created sections N/A true
Keep alias that matches the filename Such aliases are usually redundant N/A false
Use the YAML key specified by <code>Alias Helper Key</code> to help with filename and heading changes If set, when the first H1 heading changes or filename if first H1 is not present changes, then the old alias stored in this key will be replaced with the new value instead of just inserting a new entry in the aliases array N/A true
Alias Helper Key The key to use to help keep track of what the last file name or heading was that was stored in the frontmatter by this rule. N/A linter-yaml-title-alias

Additional Info


An empty Alias Helper Key will be treated as if you are using linter-yaml-title-alias as the value.


Adds a header with the title from heading. Before:
# Obsidian
  - Obsidian
linter-yaml-title-alias: Obsidian
# Obsidian
Adds a header with the title from heading without YAML key when the use of the YAML key is set to false. Before:
# Obsidian
  - Obsidian
# Obsidian
Adds a header with the title. Before:

  - Filename
linter-yaml-title-alias: Filename
Adds a header with the title without YAML key when the use of the YAML key is set to false. Before:

  - Filename
Replaces old filename with new filename when no header is present and filename is different than the old one listed in `linter-yaml-title-alias`. Before:
  - Old Filename
  - Alias 2
linter-yaml-title-alias: Old Filename
  - Filename
  - Alias 2
linter-yaml-title-alias: Filename
Make sure that markdown and wiki links in first H1 get their values converted to text Before:
# This is a [Heading](
  - This is a Heading
linter-yaml-title-alias: This is a Heading
# This is a [Heading](
Using `title` as `Alias Helper Key` sets the value of `title` to the alias. Before:

  - Filename
title: Filename